I am a healer who has previously provided psychotherapy for over 40 years. Now, my sole focus is to assist you to connect with your larger self or your soul self–that immortal part that is beyond the physical body. We work together uncovering the purpose, meaning and spiritual path for your life. This may include your spiritual guides, Spirit, and your higher self. We build clearer, conscious connections with all these resources and identify ways to maintain these relationships well beyond the session. The goal is for these connections to integrate into your daily life so that you have ongoing access to them. To this end I offer Quantum Soul Regression as well as Past Life Regression.
My own involvement with Spirit began over 40 years ago when my car rolled seven times down a mountainside. As I tumbled down the mountain side, I was comforted and protected by my grandmother. Though she had died the year before, I felt her warm, loving presence throughout the experience. I literally walked away from this terrifying accident with minimal injuries. It was a pivotal life event and propelled me to explore the metaphysical world. I began reading any book I could find referencing the afterlife and the spiritual world. I eventually found the thought-provoking books of Michael Newton, Ph.D. and later took his first training for Life Between Lives. Later I met my own spirit guides and began receiving ongoing guidance from them. Their guidance has led to the creation of this website and the services I offer.
Both Quantum Soul Regression and Past Life Regression have an overall structure that begins by using guided imagery, a method of hypnosis, to assist you into a comfortable altered state. You then move into a personal sacred space that is specific to each client. This space is yours and yours alone and is safe, protected and full of wisdom. Though the overall structure remains the same, each session unfolds uniquely for each individual. We live at a time on the planet when knowing more of who we truly are and understanding our soul path become quite important both to own transformation as well as that of the planet.
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